Brenner's Fine Clothing & Gifts
Company Name: Brenner's Fine Clothing & Gifts
Status: Active
State: Alaska
Post: 99835-7540
County: Sitka
City: Sitka
Address: 124 Lincoln Street
Phone: (907)747-3468
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Bonnie Brenner
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 562101 Industry group: Apparel And Accessory Stores, Business category: Women`s Clothing Stores, Subcategory: Women`s apparel-retail
Employees: 7
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 812,000
Overall: Brenner's Fine Clothing & Gifts is a business categorized under women`s clothing stores, which is part of the larger category apparel and accessory stores. Brenner's Fine Clothing & Gifts is located at the address 124 Lincoln Street in Sitka, Alaska 99835-7540. The Owner is Bonnie Brenner who can be contacted at (907)747-3468.
- Women's clothing store
- Clothing store
- Gift shop
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Name: R.B.
Message: My husband LOVED his ulu knife I purchased him while on a cruise in AK. I opted to have my purchased shipped home and it beat me home. Everyone was extremely courteous and helpful!