Carolines Closet, 204 Main Street, Haines, AK, 99827-0000, clothing-retail

U.S Apparel Stores Alaska Apparel Stores Alaska - List of United States Apparel And Accessory Stores

Carolines Closet

Company Name: Carolines Closet
Status: Active
State: Alaska
Post: 99827-0000
County: Haines
City: Haines
Address: 204 Main Street
Phone: (907)766-3223
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Mike Ward
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 565101 Industry group: Apparel And Accessory Stores, Business category: Family Clothing Stores, Subcategory: Clothing-retail
Employees: 2
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 298,000
Overall: Carolines Closet is a business categorized under family clothing stores, which is part of the larger category apparel and accessory stores. Carolines Closet is located at the address 204 Main Street in Haines, Alaska 99827-0000. The Owner is Mike Ward who can be contacted at (907)766-3223.
  • Clothing store
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Name: M.C.
Message: Nice gift shop with a wide assortment of items. Very friendly staff. Was open later than what Google says for all the people on the cruise ship so not sure when they actually close.
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